A hilarious comedy: Cocaine Bear motion picture critique.

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Hello, gentlemen and girls put on your seatbelts, and expect a rollercoaster ride of outrageousness! "Cocaine Bear" is an unmissable ride in more manners than one. The film takes an "bear-y" true story and transforms it into an shocking horror comedy that is sure to be sure to make you scratch your head, and thinking about whether the lifestyle choices are right for bears and drug traffickers.
Cocaine Bear From the moment that we meet the handsome Andrew C Thornton, played well by Matthew Rhys, you know the audience is in for a wild trip. It's a man of fashion as well as grace. He also has a way of dropping his merchandise in the most dangerous spots. And he had no idea, he was about to unbeknownst to himself create the mythology of the 20th century "Cocaine Bear!" Let go of what think you know about bears and their diet preferences. This film is bold in its claim and argues that if bears are addicted to cocaine, they won't be just partying; they get bloody! It's time to say goodbye to Godzilla but there's an upcoming the king of town, and the bear has a love of powdered substances. Our cast of characters, that includes the dumb police as well as the reckless criminals along with innocent people who could not find a way from a plastic bag and will leave you entertained. Their collective incompetence is truly a sight to behold. If you ever find yourself seeking a laugh you can imagine Police Detective Bob Springs and Officer Reba Mitchell, trying to solve a crime without accidentally shooting each other. We must not forget our courageous adventurers, Olaf and Elsa. We're not talking about the pair taken from "Frozen." The two hikers find an incredible treasure trove of Colombian goodness, and before you can say "Bearzilla," they become one of the main targets for the Cocaine bear's irresistible hunger. The truth is, who wants a Disney princess when there's the snorting, wild bear roaming around? The movie strikes the perfect harmony between horror and comedy, making you laugh the first time and grab your popcorn fearfully the next. Body count goes up faster than that of the hairs you've been putting on which is why you'll want to cheer for each demise with wicked happiness. It's like watching a National Geographic special hosted by Grim Reaper. Grim Reaper. Let's discuss this epic showdown. Imagine this: a waterfall streaming down the middle, the fearless trio comprised of Sari, Dee Dee, and Henry prepared to fight each other in the battle against Cocaine Bear. This is a battle of the past, accompanied by an explosion, the roar of a bear and enough white powder put Tony Montana to shame. At the point you believe you've defeated the bear and gone, there's an explosive cocaine explosion! It's a resurgence of epic proportions. Sure "Cocaine Bear" may have certain flaws. Its editing is as unsteady like a drunk squirrel making you scratch your head and asking yourself if that film reel was actually being used as (blog post) scratching pole. Be assured, viewers, because the bear's CGI is impressively top-of-the line. The bear stole the show even though they appeared to get a little giddy themselves. This film is a cocktail of tension, tension and unforeseen bonds. It's like mixing tequila with bear saliva--unconventional and unforgettable. After the credits have rolled and you're leaving the theater with a smile at the top of your head, keep in mind the final word of advice from the reviewer: Don't feed bears anything, especially not heroin or fellow trekkers. Trust me, it won't result in a happy ending for anyone. Get your popcorn, buckle yourself up and be swept away by the world of "Cocaine Bear." It's a truly unique experience that's bound to have you in suspense, considering the potential of bears as well as their concealed party capabilities.

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